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Glenvale Veterinary Clinic
Winter 2014 Newsletter

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The Vomiting Cat - Dr Nicholls

sick cat

Many cat owners mention to me that their cats will often vomit. The frequency is from, twice a month up to twice a day & they have done so for many years, they are otherwise normal.

Of this group of cats with  chronic  vomiting, some have no weight loss, some have diarrhoea and some with weight loss.

Owners have 4 typical excuses:

1. He eats too fast
2. She has a sensitive stomach 3. It’s just hairballs
4. He is just a “puker”

Most, if not all of these  Chronic  vomiters have an abnormal small intestine. Most have chronic inflammatory disease (usually inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or a food allergy) & the remainder have forms of bowel cancer (especially Lymphoma). There is increasing evidence that IBD will transform to Lymphoma.

Careful ultrasound of the small intestine can confirm a thickened intestinal wall which assists in diagnosing an intestinal problem. It is amazing at the amount of vomiting, cat owners will tolerate. If you son or daughter were to vomit this much what would you think?

Early  diagnosis & treatment can often resolve this chronic vomiting problem.
If your cat is a chronic vomiter or you have any questions regarding your cat please speak to Dr Nicholls when you are next in the clinic.

Is your pet microchipped? Have your contact details changed?

These days, it is mandatory in most states that your pet be microchipped prior to acquiring them through a pet shop or breeder, however, who thinks of updating your pets records if you move house or change contact details?

Updating records is just as important as having the chipped implanted in the first place. When an animal that has been found is bought into the clinic, the first thing we do is scan for a microchip. If we are able to locate a chip, we can contact our database to retrieve the owner’s details. We have found that all too often the microchip details are out of date and we are unable to locate an owner.

When you fill in a microchip subscription form upon purchasing or acquiring your pet, you will need to fill in several contact details; home, work or mobile number, email address and an alternate contact person. The alternate contact person should be somebody that will be able to answer their phone and collect your pet if you should be unavailable for any reason. Once you name someone as the alternate contact for your pet, please let them know – we have spoken to people who have been very surprised that they were listed as the contact of a pet!

To ensure you and your pet are reunited should they escape or are lost, make sure their microchip contact info is current! If you are unsure of your pet’s microchip number, pop into the clinic any time and we will be able to scan them, it’s free to do so and you don’t need an appointment.

Once you know their microchip number, contact the applicable data base; an easy way to find out which data base to contact is to enter the microchip number on this website and they’ll tell you;

Otherwise, you can contact Central Animal Records and they’ll usually be able to locate the information you need.

Central Animal Records: 9706 3187

DNA tests for your Dog!

cute dog

Ever wondered what breed your mixed breed dog actually is? Now you can find out!!

Each dog is unique and their physical and behavioural traits will be the result of multiple factors, including genetics, training, handling, and environment. ADVANCE ®  Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test's proprietary genetic analysis provides insight into the behavioural traits in breed that have been identified in your dog, the predicted genetic adult weight and breed related risk of developing certain genetic diseases. A dog's weight range can vary significantly depending on age, diet and exercise. The smarter you are about your dog's past, the smarter you can be about his future. Dogs are like people. They inherit physical and character traits from breeds in their family tree. They also pass along genetic disorders from generation to generation.

Your mixed-breed dog is a mixed bag of genetic traits. Understanding their ancestry helps you create an effective health and wellness program. By learning the breeds in your dog's DNA, you can make it easier for your veterinarian to customise the most effective training, nutrition and medical treatment for your pet.

With just a simple blood sample, the ADVANCE Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test can provide you information that helps to:

DISCOVER  your dog's genetic make-up back to their great grandparents by comparing their genetic signature with more than 200 breeds, types and varieties.

PREDICT  your dog's target genetic adult weight range

DETERMINE  your dog's recommended nutritional program, and create an effective care and wellness program in conjunction with your vet’s advice.

OBTAIN  a better understanding of your dog's breed-related behavioural characteristics

PRE-SCREEN  for your dog's breed-related risk of developing certain genetic diseases

8 things you shouldn't feed your pets

1. Chocolate

Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs. The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine. It's in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate. The most dangerous kinds, though, are dark chocolate, chocolate mulch, and unsweetened baking chocolate. Eating chocolate, even just licking the icing bowl, can cause a dog to vomit, have diarrhoea, and be excessively thirsty. It can also cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.

2. Grapes, Raisins

Grapes and raisins have often been used as treats for dogs. But it's not a good idea. Although it isn't clear why, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs and just a small amount can make a dog ill. Repeated vomiting is an early sign. Within a day, the dog will become lethargic and depressed. The best prevention is to keep grapes and raisins off counters and other places your dog can reach.

3. Garlic, Onions

Onions and garlic in all forms -- powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated -- can destroy a dog's red blood cells, leading to anaemia. That can happen even with the onion powder found in some baby food. Just eating a large quantity once or eating smaller amounts regularly can cause poisoning.

4. Alcoholic Drinks

Beer, liquor, wine, and foods containing alcohol - none of it is good for your dog. That's because alcohol has the same effect on a dog's liver and brain that it has on humans. But it takes far less to do its damage. Just a little can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma, even death. The smaller the dog, the greater the effect.

5. Macadamia Nuts

Dogs should not eat macadamia nuts or foods containing macadamia nuts because they can be fatal. As few as six raw or roasted macadamia nuts can make a dog ill. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate. Eating chocolate with the nuts will make symptoms worse, possibly leading to death.

6. Avocados

No matter how good you think the guacamole is, you shouldn't give it to your dog. Avocados contain a substance called persin. It's harmless for humans who aren't allergic. But large amounts might be toxic to dogs. If you happen to be growing avocados at home, keep your dog away from the plants. Persin is in the leaves, seed, and bark, as well as in the fruit.

7. Cooked bones & Fat trimmings

Table scraps often contain meat fat that a human didn't eat and bones. Both are dangerous for dogs. Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause pancreatitis in dogs. And, although it seems natural to give a dog a cooked roast bone, a dog can choke on it. Cooked Bones can also splinter and cause an obstruction or lacerations of your dog's digestive system. Large raw bones are ok to feed to your dog to help keep their teeth clean, but NO cooked bones.

8. Raw Eggs

There are two problems with giving your dog raw eggs. The first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli. The second is that an enzyme in raw eggs interferes with the absorption of a particular B vitamin. This can cause skin problems as well as problems with your dog's coat if raw eggs are fed for a long time.

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