Pet Desexing

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Pet Desexing Procedures in Glen Waverley 

Desexing your dog or cat is often a traumatic time for a pet owner. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to one of our staff in Glenvale Veterinary Clinic today.

If you do not intend to breed your dog, it is recommended to surgically desex both male and female dogs. Desexing your dog or cat prevents a contribution to the stray pet population. 

Desexing Dogs 
For male dogs, it reduces the probability of prostate enlargement later in life which leads to prostate infections & hernias (perineal) near the anus. It also helps to prevent some anal cancers.

For female dogs, if desexed before their first period (season or oestrus) it prevents the chance of primary breast cancer, 50% of which are malignant. This cancer is very common in older entire bitches. Desexing also prevents ovarian cancer & infections in the uterus as well as the inconvenience of a period every 6 months.

Desexing your dog also decreases the tendency to develop aggressive behaviour towards either people or other dogs and some councils offer a reduced registration for desexed pets.

Desexing Cats
In males, it prevents urine spraying & reduces their urge to roam away from home which helps to stop fighting with other cats & being hit by cars.   
In females, it obviously prevents pregnancy & repeated calling or meowing when in season.

Desexing Rabbits
- Prevention of pregnancy.
- Prevention of uterus cancer - this is the most important reason to desex female rabbits. The incidence of this malignant cancer is very high (Up to 80%) & tends to occur after 2 years of age.
- Prevention of other diseases of the uterus - infection, endometritis (inflammation of the uterus lining) & uterine aneurism (uterus full of blood).
- Prevention of false pregnancies & associated nest building, milk production & aggression.
- Prevention of breast cancer & cysts.
- Prevention of aggressive behaviour in both males & females.
- Prevention of urine spraying in both males & females. In males the urine is very smelly.
- Prevention of testicular cancer.

Desexing Guinea Pigs
Usually it is the male that is desexed because it is less complicated. The main benefits being population control, prevention of reproductive diseases and increased socialisation & mixed pairing.

Girl with her dog after pet desexing in Mulgrave
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